Mark Horton, has been practicing law since he graduated law school in 1995. Mr. Horton has represented clients all over the state of New Mexico. As a Marine Corp Veteran, he fights passionately for the best interest of his clients.

It’s always good advice: Never drink and drive! If you know you’re going out with a group of people, choose someone to be the designated driver. If you know you’ve had one too many, and you’re by yourself, find a ride home or stay where you are till you’ve had time to sober up.
There may come a time, however, when you make a mistake even though you know better. You may misjudge how much you had to drink. Or your plans may go off track: You thought you had a ride, but they left without you. Or you thought you had a place to stay, and it turned out you didn’t. Whatever the details, you were arrested and now face not only a DWI charge, but the loss of your license, the loss of your job, and perhaps the loss of a marriage or other important relationship.
Don’t face the ordeal alone. Call experienced legal counsel to help you through it. If you or someone you know is facing DWI charges, call Horton Law Firm or click the Request Consultation button below to get started. We are here to help!

It’s been drummed into us all our lives: “You can’t take it with you when you die!” Meaning: it doesn’t matter how much you acquire during the course of your life, you will leave it all behind at your death.
But it’s also true that the people you leave behind are affected by what you did or didn’t do to protect them before they died. If you did nothing, the State will decide who gets what you have, and in what proportion. The people you meant to have all your things may get nothing, while others who should take nothing get all you have.
Get experienced legal counsel. If you or someone you know needs a will, call Horton Law Firm or click the Contact Us button below to schedule an appointment. We are here to help!

An Apostille is a form of authentication that seeks to simplify the process of legalizing and authenticating public documents so that they can be recognized internationally in foreign countries that are members of the 1961 Hague Convention Treaty.
Our office is experienced and ready to assist in ensuring that your public documents, such as, birth certificates, death certificates, marriage licenses, divorce decrees, and school transcripts are authenticated with an Apostille issued by New Mexico Secretary of State’s office or by other authorities such as U.S. Federal Court clerks or the U.S Department of State Office of Authentications. call Horton Law Firm or click the Contact Us button below to schedule an appointment.

Sometimes our marriages or other love relationships break down and can’t be rebuilt. We may have even made children with someone we once loved or who once loved us, and now find ourselves constantly let down, arguing, fighting, and perhaps enduring (or committing) domestic violence.
There is so much to lose when the love of your life turns out to be the nightmare on Elm Street—the home you built with your own labor and your own money, the retirement you saved up for the future, the vehicle you need to get to work, and even the right to tuck in your kids at night and attend their games and concerts and major milestones—all of it may be on the line right now.
Don’t face the ordeal alone. Call experienced legal counsel for support. If you or someone you know needs a family law attorney, call Horton Law Firm or click the Request Consultation button below to get started. We are here to help!

We’ve heard it since we were kids: “You are innocent until proven guilty.” We know this is how it’s supposed to work in the United States of America. But there are people in courtrooms across America who learn the hard way, that when you are accused of a crime, and the full weight of the state is brought to bear to prove you did it, you are almost always facing a sure conviction if you go it alone in court.
You may have been accused of something you didn’t do. You may have been charged for something you did do, but the penalty you are facing is devastating to your livelihood or your marriage or some other important aspect of your life.
Don’t face the ordeal alone. Call experienced legal counsel for support. If you or someone you know needs a criminal defense lawyer, call Horton Law Firm or click the Request Consultation button below to get started. We are here to help!